
Excuses to avoid making investments are common

Friday, August 21 2020, Contributed By: NJ Publications

“He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.” - Benjamin Franklin

Most people have many reasons 'not' to invest. Even those who do save, little is saved in new investment vehicles. A large part of the income is understandably spent on meeting needs, repaying loans and leisure/entertainment only a very little part is left with most of us. However, many have adequate income today to invest meaningfully. It is really unfortunate that even then people find excuses not to save and invest. In this article we will talk about the most common excuses people have to avoid making investments. Most of these excuses are ungrounded, not true even though the person may believe them so. will also unmask the fact and truth behind these excuses.

I Don't Have Enough Money

This is the most common reason quoted by people. Let us dissect the truth behind it.

  • You can start with any amount: When we say we don't have enough money do we have an amount in mind? Most people do not think of what amount they can invest and hope that they will start saving once they have enough. However, this is futile exercise and quite often it only delays your savings till you regret it. To be honest, there is no minimum amount for saving and you can even start by saving Rs.500 per month if the intent is really there.

  • You can always prioritise spending: Those you find it difficult to save would be better off having a closer look at where the money is being spent. It can be quite surprising how much you could save if you would only be paying attention. Petty expenses on dining out, movies, ordering food, impulsive shopping online, etc can go a long way when diverted to investments. Only the right intent is needed.

  • It may because of lack of intent: Intent or rather the lack of it as we now see is perhaps the true reason you have the excuse of not having money. Surely, those who despise saving and believe in only living to the fullest in life openly declare their lack of intent. It may suit you if you have enough wealth to retire and take care of your family. But what if not? Surely, there has to be a balance and a good reason and space for the intent to save.

  • If you can't save, it is an alarm to talk to your advisor: If you have the genuine intent and still do not have adequate money to save, there is a severe problem. You need to consult a financial advisor to really understand your financial situation and guide you further.

I Am In Debt

This can be a genuine excuse which is not impossible to handle. Let us see what we can do if you find it really hard to save because of huge debt.

  • You need to have a plan: The first thing you need is a better understanding of your situation – how much you are earning, how much you own and owe, what is the cost of servicing each loan and so on. Perhaps the plans can unravel ways you can still manage to save a bit by cutting corners in other areas.

  • You need to pay off expensive debts: It is also advisable if we can dilute some of our assets and pay off expensive loans and find space to divert the EMIs saved towards real savings and wealth creation.

  • You may restructure the loans: When you think things have reached a point of no return and it is impossible to manage your affairs, there is still a way out. We would suggest you restructure your loans, leverage your good credit rating to negotiate with the lenders. Perhaps there may be a way out still, if you really wish to pursue it.

I Don't Have Time:

Call it procrastination, laziness or just simple lack of interest. Lack of time is a common excuse. Let us unmask the truth behind this.

Why this may not be true?

  • Account opening is now digital: Gone are the days of physical transactions. Now everything is digital and so is the first step is to open an online account. Thankfully, the account opening process is entirely online. You may chose the right financial advisor, distributor, broker and open the account online yourself.

  • Transactions are done digitally: Often we hate to do the paper work for transactions. We also hate depending on our advisor /distributor to bring in the papers and submit them to the operational offices. Good news is that transactions in most financial products, especially mutual funds, can be today done completely online, any time any where.

  • Goal planning tools readily available: If you think you need too much time to plan for your finances and these things bore you, well you are mistaken. There are many user friendly tools available today which can help you plan for your financial goals. This can be an option for you if you do not wish to talk to your advisor. Explore these tools which hardly take few minutes and you will know how much SIP or lump sum you need to save to fulfil your financial goals in life.

  • Ask your advisor: Some may find the investment topic boring. Finding and approaching a good advisor can make a huge difference in such a situation. However we do not recommend you start online investments all by yourself unless you have a good amount of experience and knowledge to handle things.

These are just three of the most common excuses for not saving. There could be many more and you may even have a hundred excuses, however, there is only one reason to save – financial well-being. If you have the foresight and the common sense but lack bank balance to retire, savings is the way forward, without excuse. You would do well to remember a famous quote from Florence Nightingale -“I attribute my success to this – I never gave or took an excuse.” Happy saving and investing.

We offer our services through personal counsel with each of our clients after understanding their wealth distribution needs. Our approach is to enable our client's to understand their investments, have knowledge of investment products and that they make proper progress towards achieving their financial goals in life.

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